Pilonidal Sinus

Pilonidal Sinus Surgery - Risks, Benefits, & Treatments

You must get pilonidal sinus surgery immediately as it is a painful anorectal condition that needs surgical intervention. We ensure an efficient patient journey with qualified surgeons, medical care coordinators, paperwork and insurance assistance, and post-surgery care.

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    What Is Pilonidal Sinus?

    Pilonidal sinus is a medical condition that occurs due to the formation of a cyst or abscess in the cleft of the buttocks. The condition is more common in men than women and usually affects people who sit for longer periods. 

    There are two types of pilonidal sinus – acute pilonidal sinus and chronic pilonidal sinus.

    Acute pilonidal sinus is a one-time problem, and it doesn’t recur once treated. The most common symptom is pain and tenderness in the area around the natal cleft. The affected area may also be red and swollen. Acute pilonidal sinus is usually caused by an infection, which can be bacterial or fungal in nature.

    Chronic pilonidal sinus is a long-term condition that becomes severe over a period of time. The symptoms of chronic pilonidal sinus are similar to those of acute pilonidal sinus, but they may be more severe. In chronic cases, the affected area may develop a small pit or sinus that drains pus. The condition may also cause recurrent infections, which can lead to the formation of abscesses.

    Pilonidal sinus can be treated with medications and home remedies in initial stage. Surgical treatment for severe cases of pilonidal sinus is necessary to remove the sinus tract and prevent the recurrence of the condition. 

    USFDA-Approved Procedure

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    No-Cost EMI

    1-day Hospitalization

    Dr. Mohit


    Dr. Mohit


    Dr. Mohit


    Dr. Mohit


    How is Pilonidal Sinus Diagnosed?

    Pilonidal sinus can be diagnosed by an experienced proctologist. During the consultation, the doctor may ask you about your medical condition, medical history etc. The most commonly performed tests for the diagnosis of pilonidal sinus include:

    Physical Examination

    To diagnose pilonidal sinus, your doctor will first physically examine the affected area. They will look for signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, or tenderness. They may also look for signs of infection, such as the presence of pus or drainage. 

    Imaging Tests

    Your doctor may recommend imaging tests, such as an ultrasound or MRI, to get a better understanding of the severity of the condition or the chances of any other complications. 


    If your doctor suspects that you have pilonidal sinus, they may also perform a biopsy. During a biopsy, your doctor will take a small sample of tissue from the affected area and send it to a lab for analysis. This can help confirm the diagnosis and find out other possible conditions.